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Amy Staats, Independent Licensed Ishtara Teacher

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Work with Amy.

You can learn more about Amy by reading her bio below. If you are interested in working with Amy, you can link to her website here:

Meet Amy

Amy Staats is a playwright, TV writer, actor and Licensed Ishtara Teacher.

She lives in Brooklyn with her goth-folk rockstar husband Jeff and their two cats, Orlando, and James Carlos.


From Amy:


I never expected to be a teacher, but this practice has been so helpful for me that I felt called to share this work with you. 


I desire for you to live your life in your highest capacity. Especially now, the world needs us in our bravest and most full-hearted expression.


I was introduced to Ishtara during the pandemic by my friend, the fabulous coach Beth Clayton. I saw a video of her explaining that sometimes our body can manifest big things before our nervous system can hold what we've created.


Her message struck a chord with me.


I was a gymnast as a kid, then left home at sixteen to dance ballet. I became an actor and, finally, a writer. In each art form, I have manifested "big things." In every form, I experienced a wild and delicious freedom in my body. But…


Each time, after I received the attention and success I craved, a dark cloud would descend on me. My chest constricted in a vice grip and froze my body with shame. I called this cloud my monster. 


The worst part was that this "monster" blocked the liquid smooth intuition that was my guide. Now, I was professional. I muscled through, doing all I could to keep my anxiety in check, but my process was torturous, not only for me but for my loved ones.


I did therapy. I took self-help courses. I wondered if I could remain an artist. I thought, "Shouldn't doing what I love be fun?" My talent seemed mercurial, not to be trusted. No matter how hard I tried, I had bursts of success followed by long dry stretches. I worked hard. Years went by. I felt a blank space in my belly where my self-confidence should be. 


When I began studying movement meditation with Ishtara, my body's relief was profound. Ishtara's practice taught me my body WANTS to heal, and as I LISTEN to her, she shows me how. 


Instead of running from my anxiety or pushing it down, I am learning to move with and love my "monster" in all her many manifestations. In Ishtara, I call my monster my Protectress. It turns out she is very wise and powerful. And that warm, free-flowing liquid freedom is my Creatrix. I have learned these two energies work in tandem, and I have learned to love them both. 


By moving the freezer energy that had frightened me for so long, along with the flowing, sparkly energy that is easy to love, my nervous system's capacity to hold big things has grown exponentially. I now trust that my body can process all my feelings, even the tricky ones. Because of these new skills, my courage is back. My intuition is more potent. I walk into rooms with my whole self… shadows and all. I have found freedom and sovereignty on stage and in my writing. 


I have also found safety in the robust Ishtara community; these humans have my back, and I have theirs. Practicing Ishtara has transformed my relationships and my work in ways I didn't think were possible. 


I would love to teach you these skills if you are keen. Again, the world needs all of you…even your gorgeous, shy, needy, messy, and irresistible "monster." 


If this work resonates with you and your body says yes, I encourage you to sign up. 


If your body says "yes" but not yet, don't worry, I will always be here.


Much Love,




“I will be forever grateful for Ishtara with Amy. My growth in confidence, intuition, and healing has been remarkable and it’s all due to the safety and support Amy creates in class. It’s like she breathed life into my tired soul. “ 




“Amy’s gentle guidance, supreme care, and extraordinary ability to see and connect on a deeper level, I was able to make major discoveries and progress toward healing. Amy was there for me every step of the way.”




“Amy has a real gift for leading this work. I was only able to be open and vulnerable because she created a safe space to do that. I absolutely loved the class.”


—Amy F

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